Tips For Applying For A Business Building Loan With Bad Credit


If you need to apply for a business building loan but have bad credit, there are some things you can do to have a loan approved. Below are three of these things so you can start building and getting your new building up and running. Try a Small Business Loan A small business association loan (SBA) may be more willing to let you borrow money when compared to a traditional bank or lending company.

29 December 2017

Five Ways To Make Money Fast


Whether you are broke, living paycheck to paycheck, or simply want to try other streams of income, there are at least five ways to make money fast: Garage Sale One of the fastest and easiest ways to make money is to sell your old items. Try to watch at least one episode of Storage Wars and you might be surprised to know how much the buyers earn. Conduct a garage sale.

4 September 2017

Need Access To Cash? 4 Ways A Second Mortgage Could Help


When it comes to your home, the equity you have in it, may just be your biggest asset. If you're not exactly sure what equity is, it's the difference between the amount you owe on your home, and its appraisal value. So, if you owe $200,000 on your home, but it has an appraisal value of $300,000, you have $100,000 in equity available for your use. One way to utilize the equity, is to take out a second mortgage on your home.

22 June 2017